This is a small species. Adult females are 8-10". Males 6-8". With proper
care they should out live their owners. There is allot of conflicting
information about the Russian Tortoise. I feel that this is due in part to the
fact that they are very adaptable. This allows them to survive in many
However the goal is to provide them with optimal environments. This is somewhat
limited in captivity. The following should help.
Check Ups
When you get your tortoise, it is highly recommended that you take your pet
for a check up. Most Russians are wild caught. And while yours may appear to be
healthy (got to to learn how to select a
"healthy" tortoise ) the stress of being brought home and placed in strange
surrounding may cause a hidden problem to surface. This is true even with long
term wild caught and captive born animals.
Make sure the Vet measures and weighs your tort. Also request a fecal to check
for parasites.
I have seen many recommendations for diets...Some good ...Some bad. Russian
Tortoises are grazers and enjoy broad leaf plants. The best diet is a variety of
weeds (leaves and flowers). Dandelion is a favorite.
For detailed diet information:
for a list of edible plants:
Unfortunately, many believe that tortoises naturally acquire almost all of their
fluid requirements from its food and that therefore they do not require
additional drinking water. Russians tortoises are indeed adapted to a semi-arid
environment and its system of eliminating waste via uric acid rather than via
urea is clear evidence of this. Uric acid can be eliminated using substantial
lower levels of water wastage than can systems based on urea, such as those of
mammals. Therefore, tortoises, such as Russians, eliminate nitrogenous waste
products with far greater water conservation. Its behavior is also programmed to
reflect this need not to waste precious water.
The semi-solid, white deposits are expelled urates. Tortoises are programmed not
to use water in the bladder and to eliminate urates only if replenishment is
available. Depriving the tortoise of water will result in urates being
accumulated and quite often to dangerous levels. During a rain tortoises will
often drink and urinate simultaneously. This behavior can be stimulated in hot
weather by lightly spraying the tortoise with a garden hose. In the wild, during
hot and rain-free summers, aestivation or semi-aestivation occurs. There are
several factors that will lead to aestivation. Lack of food and environmental
water are major factors, as is temperature. During aestivation periods tortoises
maintain themselves below ground, in burrows which provide a stable
microclimate. In these burrows temperatures are much lower than those above
ground and the relative humidity is very much higher. Combined with reduced
activity, these factors result in a vastly reduced rate of fluid loss via
exhalation and little or no need to urinate and prevent dehydration. In a
captive situation, many tortoises are not provided with a microclimate and
easily become dehydrated, especially when water is not provided for drinking.
There are many choices. From the simple to the very elaborate. I will review
some of the more common cages.
Aquariums: Aquariums are often recommended by pet shop employees. However, they
are unsuitable for tortoises. Because of the shape (too tall and narrow) air
circulation is poor. They are also hard to keep at the proper temperatures. They
are heavy and hard to clean The clear sides are also stressful to the tortoise.
They don't understand the concept of glass and will continually try to go
through it.
If you must use an aquarium, the minimum size is 75 gallon. It must be fitted
with a circulating fan and a visual barrier.
Rubbermaid storage containers: These are an inexpensive indoor pen. The 50
gallon container is an ideal starting point for one tortoises. They are light
and easy to clean. They are opaque so the animal can't see out. The best part
is....they only cost $15 !
Keep in mind that bigger is better. I use this as a temporary set up for when I
have to keep one inside.
IMPORTANT: this setup keeps the humidity at around 60%. As the substrate dries out it is critical to add water. Don't let it get dry and dusty !!! Sand alone makes a very poor substrate.
Reptariums The 100 gallon and larger reptariums make great pens. I was first
introduce to them by Tae on the Russian Tortoise Ya Hoo group. They have great
ventilation. Pictures can be seen at photo gallery They can be purchased at
You can also get a plastic liner that allows you to use a variety of substrates.
Build your own: This is by far the most versatile way to go if you plan on keeping the tortoise indoors. A popular choice is the Tortoise Table
Outdoor pens: Outdoor pens are by far the best option. The tortoises get the benefit of sunshine (for the synthesis of Vit D3) and exercise. A pen can also be planted with a variety of edible weeds and plants.
It is very import to keep in mind that Russians are escape artist. When building a pen a barrier must be dug around the perimeter at least 8" deep...deeper if the soil is easy to dig. They are amazing climbers. The pen should be a foot or more high with an in facing lip. Pay special attention to corners. Also of concern is predators. Raccoons are particularly notorious for getting into pens and eating turtles.
Also of importance is providing a warm dry retreat. I have done this by using
a Rubbermaid deck box. I mounted a ceramic heat emitter in the lid (hooked up to
a thermostat) and cut a hole in the side. My Russians use this instead of
digging a burrow. Deck Box Photos and instructions are at
Once again there are many choices. The ideal is considered to be a 50/50 mix (by weight)
of sand and garden loam. Since garden loam is hard to find here, I substitute
coconut coir ( . For me this works well. Others have
used peat moss....but it tends to be too dusty. Keep in mind that the substrate
doesn't need to be bone dry. In the wild they live in very arid conditions. But
their burrows have up to 70% humidity!
Other poor choices (that should NOT be used are: newspaper (easy to clean); rabbit pellets (tend to
dehydrate the tort and are about the worst of the substrates). Also it can
get moldy fast if wet.); Care Fresh bedding (a recycled newspaper product in a
pellet form) Alfalfa hay is too high in protein (torts love to nibble on it).
Temperature is critical for a healthy tortoise. The pen should have a cool end with the temps in the low 70's and a basking spot at 90-95°F. Night time temperature drops are needed. Mine do well with temps that drop down into the 60's at night.
If they are kept too cool they can't digest their food. Too warm and they
stop eating and aestivate (sort of like suspended animation). Invest in a good
thermometer with a probe. You can get one at Radio Shack for 20 bucks. Don't
take chances by could end up with a cooked tortoise!
Don't use heat rocks or under the tank heaters.
Humidity is an important consideration with Russian tortoises. It is also very misunderstood. There are those that claim that high humidity will cause shell rot and respiratory infection. This is only partially true. High humidity, damp substrate AND cool temperatures cause problems.
In the wild they live in fairly arid conditions although I have read some reports that they are often found near streams and small lakes. They cope with low humidity by digging long burrows where the humidity is as high as 70%.
In the typical indoor pen, with basking lights, air conditioning and dry substrates, humidity is often extremely low. Dehydration is a very real risk. When I must keep mine indoors I soak them at least weekly in chin deep....luke warm water.
When kept outdoors, I keep clean water in the pens at all times (though I rarely see them drink). I also give them a very dry "house" and water the opposite side of the pen. This way they have a choice of micro-climates.
Currently the best lighting is the Zoo Med Powersun . These are used extensively in zoo's. The 100 watt flood is the most commonly used. While they do put out heat you may need to add a ceramic heat emitter to get the right temperature. Also make sure to get a good clamp on light fixture with a ceramic socket that is rated for the wattage bulb you buy. The preferred fixture is the deep dome lamp fixture by Flukers or Zoo Med'
An alternative is the Reptisun 10.0 straight tube. But since it doesn't give off heat you will also need a basking light such as the ESU Reptile Basking Spot BrightLight Incandescent Bulbs. Keep in mind that these bulbs should be replaced every 6 months.
There are many other bulbs out there. There is a basking light that provides UVA. But this doesn't have the UVB. There are colored bulbs...again no UVB. If it doesn't specifically say "UVB" it doesn't have it.
Keep the lights on 12-14 hours a day.
Hibernation is a much debated topic. In the wild Russian tortoises hibernate up to 9 months of the year. In captivity they appear to benefit from as little as 8 weeks in hibernation.
Before considering hibernation, its important that you are absolutely sure its in good health. Have it checked by a vet and be sure to check for parasites. If there are parasites, or the animal is too light.....then don't attempt hibernation. There are many that I have talked to that don't hibernate there animals and haven't observed any negative consequences. I did not hibernate mine for the first 5 years. Its really not worth the risk if you are unsure of what you are doing.
Currently I hibernate mine outdoors. I have a heated "house" .....actually a Rubbermaid deck box with a ceramic heat emitter hooked up to a thermostat to keep the temps between 40-45°F. This works well for me since the temperatures here rarely stay below freezing. My animals usually slow down on feeding in the fall. I find that in November they will start eating small twigs and dried oak leaves. I suspect this is to clean out their intestinal tracts. In December they start digging in. They typically come out of hibernation in March.
For more detailed information, visit the
Russian Tortoise Page
For supplies specific to Russian Tortoises visit Carolina Pet Supply
Joe Heinen BS, DC, FIAMA, Dipl. Ac. (IAMA)
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